Undergraduate Translation Program Approved

Undergraduate Translation Program Approved

Translationhas always been a traditional foreign language professional course, but in thiscentury, along with the concept of the discipline, it has grown to becomea professional discipline of itself. The Ministry of Education in 2005listed Translation in the undergraduate course catalog.

ShanghaiMaritime University College of Foreign Languages in September 2007 beganspecializing in English Major "Translation" Direction, starting a four-year undergraduate program. Tothis end, the college recruited a number teachers specialized in the study oftranslation, in accordance with the requirements of the design of professionaltranslation training program and curriculum. Afterseveral years of development, student satisfaction and employment rates are amongthe best.

By theend of 2013, school leaders assessed the situation and decide to formal "translation" discipline to national standards withinternational practice, and saw it also as an opportunity of self-examinationand improvement. In February 2016, whenthe Ministry of Education announced the approval of new disciplines at collegesand universities, our school’s new "translation" discipline ranked impressivelyon the list.

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